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Am I Eligible For NEPTS Transport?

This service is a vital resource to help those patients who need and rely on it and should not be used as an alternative to other means of getting to appointments.

Can you say yes to one or more of the following?

  1. Do you suffer with Motor Neurone Disease?
  2. Are you undergoing Renal Treatment?
  3. Are you undergoing Oncology Treatment?
  4. Do you use your own wheelchair?
  5. Do you need to travel in a stretcher?
  6. Do you require oxygen?
  7. Do you have medical needs that prevent you using public transport?

Have you have read all of the Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service (NEPTS) information, our Frequently Asked Questions, tested your eligibility, and still believe you could be eligible for our patient transport? 

You could be eligible for our Transport Service. Please call 0300 123 2303.

Our booking centres are open Monday to Friday 8am-6pm.

When you call a member of our team will assess your transport needs identifying your mobility, determine the type of vehicle and level of support required from our staff.

Prior to calling please ensure you have the following available;

  • NHS Number;
  • Telephone number;
  • Name of the hospital/dept. you are visiting and;
  • The date & time of your appointment.

If your transport is booked you will be offered a text reminder to a mobile phone 1 day before your booking (this message will remind you of the time and date of your booking and ask you to confirm if you still require the transport).

You will also be offered an opportunity to complete a questionnaire on how you found our service.

For patients who are found non-eligible through our eligibility process there are some options to consider for alternative means of transport here.

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