A vital part of what we do involves transporting people from across Wales who are unable for medical reasons, to make their own way to and from their medical appointments at clinics, hospitals and day centres. This includes:
This service is a vital resource to help those patients who need and rely on it and should not be used as an alternative to other means of getting to appointments.
Check if you are eligible for patient transport.
If you are not eligible, see our alternative transport options.
Our highly trained crews use a modern fleet of vehicles to make around 700,000 journeys every year. They work alongside the hospitals to ensure that we get you to your appointment as comfortably as possible.
The range of vehicles we have means that we can convey a wide range of patients including those who need stretchers, who use wheelchairs or have limited walking mobility.
Our NEPTS operational staff are trained to specialise in the needs of our patients travelling on our vehicles this includes first aid, specialist driving skills, patient moving and handling techniques, basic life support and general patient care.
As well as our dedicated operational staff, a large number of journeys where patients are able to travel by car are carried out by our dedicated team of Volunteer Car Drivers.
The Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service is for patients across Wales who are unable for medical reasons, to make their own way to and from their hospital appointments.
It is a vital resource to help those patients who need and rely on it and it should not be used as an alternative to other means of getting to appointments.
Please note that a need for treatment does not automatically imply a need for transport. There is an eligibility process that all patients are required to go through to ensure the service can be offered to them.
Please check our alternative transport options to see what options are available to you.