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Our Performance

The Welsh Assembly Government monitors the performance of the NHS through various measures and standards.

One of the ways the Assembly Government monitors performance is by issuing an Annual Operating Framework each year.   The Annual Operating Framework (AOF) was issued for the first time in 2007/2008 and sets out the expectations of the NHS within any one financial year. It includes the national targets, formerly known as Service and Financial Framework (SaFF) targets, Efficiency and Productivity Measures as well as additional service requirements.

In addition, Healthcare Standards for Wales set out the Welsh Assembly Government's common framework of healthcare standards to support the NHS and partner organisations in providing effective, timely and quality services across all healthcare settings.

Internally, a wide range of financial and performance reports from all directorates are submitted to the Trust Board for inclusion in the Trust Board Papers on a bi-monthly basis.  Further information can be obtained from the Trust’s Annual Report.

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