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Partnerships & Developments

The Patient Experience & Community Involvement Team (PECI) work with a wide variety of communities and organisations across Wales. These may include national or local charities and groups. Working with partners is a great way to learn lessons from each other, and share good practice.

Some examples of this include focus groups and events with Minority Ethnic Communities. Working with this community has helped us to identify some of the challenges that people have when trying to use our services. As a result we have worked to improve the information we have available in other languages, as well as promoting the Language Line facility.

Working with the deaf and hard of hearing community, as well as the British Deaf Association and the Royal National Institute for the Deaf (RNID) has helped us look at what kind of service we are providing this community. This work is ongoing.

In partnership with a local Peoples First group, which is an organisation of and for people with learning disabilities, we have produced a leaflet called ‘999 – what happens when you call 999? which is written and designed for people with learning difficulties. The aim of the leaflet is to advise people of the services offered when phoning 999, and is in an easy to understand pictorial format.

These are only a few examples of some recent partnership working within the service. If you would like to contact us to discuss this work further, or if you wish to get involved and work in partnership with us, then please contact the Patient Experience & Community Involvement Lead on 01792 311773 or e-mail:

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