CPR is an emergency treatment that tries to restart your heart and breathing when they have stopped.
If cardiac or respiratory arrest is an expected part of your current condition you and the healthcare team looking after you can discuss if you would be likely to benefit from CPR.
If your healthcare team are sure CPR won’t work, they may decide in advance that it should not be tried. They will write this decision on a form called ‘Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation’ (a DNACPR form). They often will wish to discuss this with you and the DNACPR form will be kept with your health records.
The following leaflet is about a treatment called cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). We hope that it may be useful for patients and for relatives, friends and carers. The leaflet may not answer all of your questions so please speak to your healthcare team about anything you do not understand.
The leaflet is also available in Audio, Braille formats and BSL, if you would like a copy of the audio cd please contact the Patient Experience & Community Involvement Team on 01792 776252 or email peci.team@wales.nhs.uk.