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Darren's Story

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Paramedic Darren Lloyd was assaulted by a patient in Bangor, Gwynedd, in April 2019.

He said: “We’d been called to a man who was reported to have taken an overdose, so we administered an antidote to try and revive him.

“When he came to, he punched me twice and said: ‘You've f***ed up my last hit.’

“I was caught unawares, I wasn’t ready for it.

“Patients put their trust in you, and we put our trust in patients, so when something like this happens, it catches you off guard.

“It puts you on edge and it changes you.

“It makes you hyper-aware at other jobs now, and you question everything a lot more.

“You question why it happened and what you did wrong.”

At Llandudno Magistrates’ Court in April 2019, Dion Roberts was jailed for 16 weeks and ordered to pay £100 compensation to Darren and £200 costs.

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