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Have Your Say

Your feedback will help us make sure we are providing the best possible service for you. If your feedback is about a particular service we provide, please mention which one, for example, emergency 999 response, or transport to appointments, or contacting NHS 111 Wales.

This section is not appropriate if you would like to raise a concern/complaint about the service. Please see our Putting Things Right section for further information.

If you've recently travelled with our Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service and would like to feed back to us on your experience, please see our NEPTS Tell Us How We Did section.

The Trust also welcomes compliments from recent experiences, as they offer us the opportunity to learn and share instances of good practice, exceptional patient care and good news stories.  If you wish to praise a service, a member of staff or a team you can let us know via the following ways:

  • Telephone: 01792 311 773
  • Email:
  • Face to face
  • Write to:
    Patient Experience and Community Involvement Team
    Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust
    1 Matrix Park
    Swansea Enterprise Park
    SA6 8RE

Compliments are handled by our Patient Experience and Community Involvement (PECI) team. For further information on what they do, please click here.



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