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Ceri Jackson confirmed as Vice Chair of Welsh Ambulance Service

CERI Jackson has been appointed as Vice Chair of the Welsh Ambulance Service following a competitive selection process.

Ceri has served as a Non-Executive director since 2021 and as Interim Vice Chair since 2023.

Ceri’s 30-year career in the charity sector has taken her across Wales and the UK and includes roles as the Head of Community at RNIB, Director of RNIB Cymru and Interim Director of Strategy and Transformation at Tŷ Hafan.

She has been a member of several Boards in Wales in order to help review policy and practice across a range of areas including health, social care and housing.

Ceri has also been a trustee of the Stroke Association since 2020 and was previously a trustee and chair for Sight Life, and Chair for Age Alliance Wales and the Wales Vision Strategy Advisory Group.

Ceri said: “I am delighted to be appointed to the Vice Chair role.

“I hope that my experience in health, social care, policy and charitable organisations over the last 30 years will be of value to the Board and to the service.”

Chair Colin Dennis said: “I’d like to congratulate Ceri on her richly deserved appointment.

“It’s an important time for the ambulance service and the wider NHS in Wales as we look to deliver a health service fit for the future.

"I know that Ceri’s knowledge, passion and personal drive for the role will really help to drive that work forward.

Editor’s Notes

For more information, email Communications Officer or call Jeff on 07811 748363.