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Welsh Ambulance Service launches new 'Welcome Pack'

THE Welsh Ambulance Service has launched a helpful new resource for patients whose first language is not English.

The virtual ‘Welcome Pack’ explains in simple terms how the ambulance service works and when is appropriate to call 999.

It describes what to do if you need an interpreter on a 999 call, the questions a call handler will ask, how calls are prioritised and what ambulance workers will do if they come to see you.

An online translation tool enables users to access the resource in their own language.

Matt James, Patient Experience and Community Involvement Coordinator, said: “It is extremely important to us at the Welsh Ambulance Service that people from all communities across Wales have fair and equal access to the services we deliver. 

“Our team actively engages with communities across Wales to help us understand the barriers people are facing to accessing and using our services appropriately.

“The engagement carried out with people seeking sanctuary here in Wales and other communities for whom English or Welsh are not their first language told us that people need more information about health services.

“It’s how the idea for the Welcome Pack came about, and we hope it will be a helpful resource to those who need it.”

The Trust collaborated with the Ethnic Minorities and Youth Support Team Wales (EYST) to develop the resource, which is hosted on the NHS 111 Wales website and which launched yesterday at an event in Swansea.

Helal Uddin, Co-Director and Head of Services and Partnerships at EYST, said: “We at EYST Wales are delighted to support the launch of the Welcome Pack from the Welsh Ambulance Service.

“Access to healthcare is a fundamental right, and language should never be a barrier to receiving the care one needs.

“This innovative pack and the availability of a translation tool is a significant step towards ensuring that everyone in our diverse communities can access critical medical assistance in times of need.

“At EYST Wales, we believe in fostering inclusivity, and this initiative aligns perfectly with our mission.

“We commend the Welsh Ambulance Service for their dedication to serving all residents, regardless of their language or background.”

Visit the Welcome Pack here: NHS 111 Wales