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Two national awards for the Welsh Ambulance Service

TWO Welsh Ambulance Service paramedics have won national awards in the first ever PROMPT Wales award ceremony.

Lisa O’Sullivan, the Trust’s Health Board Clinical Lead in Cardiff and Vale, was named winner of the Partnership and Collaborative Award at the PRactical Obstetric Multi-Professional Training (PROMPT) Wales ceremony.

Meanwhile, Interim Regional Clinical Lead and Consultant Paramedic Steve Magee was the runner-up in the Supporting the PROMPT Wales National Team category.

PROMPT Wales, which is funded and coordinated by the Welsh Risk Pool, has been implemented in all maternity units and community teams throughout NHS Wales with the aim of improving outcomes for mothers and babies through a standardised programme of high quality multi-professional training.

Lisa is one of sixteen paramedics across Wales trained as a Community PROMPT Wales facilitator, who supports and educates staff throughout Cardiff.

Lisa, who joined the Welsh Ambulance Service in 2014, said: “PROMPT Wales is an amazing organisation and is doing a fantastic job bringing paramedic obstetric emergency competence up.

“As obstetric emergencies are an area of practice the Welsh Ambulance don’t attend very often, it’s really good to get paramedics skilled.

“It was a big surprise winning the award, I was so shocked.”

Steve Magee, who leads on maternity for the Trust, said: “We haven’t been in PROMPT Wales for very long, but it’s fantastic to have the interworking and have our efforts recognised.

“It’s a great partnership that we are involved in, and I was thrilled to be awarded.”

Sarah Hookes, PROMPT Wales Programme Lead, said: "It's wonderful to see the collaboration between clinicians, midwives, maternity support workers and paramedics training together and learning more about each other's roles.

“Lisa has shown real commitment to PROMPT, investing her time and support into almost every Community PROMPT Wales course in Cardiff since becoming a facilitator, missing only one event when she got married in the summer.

“Steve was recognised for his exceptional engagement with the PROMPT Wales National Team and for driving the collaboration with the Welsh Ambulance Service and PROMPT Wales.

“By all training and working together, we can improve care and make child birth safer.”

Editor’s Notes

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